Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Week of 5/16

S u n d a y
I have been pretty down lately, worrying about things I cannot change and dwelling on what I don't have instead of what I do have. I felt like I just wanted to take my son and move somewhere far away and just have him in my life. Well, church was inspiring as usual but something in the sermon made me promise myself that I would choose a song (before my son, music was my life) each week and live by it. This week I chose "Sound of Praise".
*Now... I love and believe in God and have as long as I can remember but I never really talk about church, Him, the bible, etc. I am sharing this with you though so if this is something you don't want to hear it, skip on down to the rest of the week or check out something else on my site! :-) *
I'm not sure about you, but this past year, I have been let down big time by the one person I never ever ever thought would. It hurt more than anything and as if I didn't already have a problem trusting people, I really did after this. It seems like every day there is something to remind me of how I'm not good enough or I don't have this or I can't do that but this song reminds me (1) of how good I have it and (2) Jesus doesn't want to hear our complaints because He will provide all of our needs and there really isn't anything to complain about if your needs are met, right? I am 24, I have a very strong relationship with my parents, have owned my house since 21, graduated from the University of Virginia, have the most precious and perfect son imaginable, I mean the list goes on, so instead of whining about what I don't have, I've decided this week to really focus on praising God for what I do have. I may need your help but I am determined to live like this and stop allowing things to get me so down.
Here's the song. Ignore the ignorant spelling (really annoying to me).

M o n d a y
WHAT IN THE WORLD! So I used Huggies for night time, vacations, extended day trips, etc. before I decided to fully cloth diaper. I entered contests on their website with my rewards points (if you don't cloth diaper and are interested in this just leave me a comment, it's pretty easy to sign up and I don't get a million e-mails a day from them) and it said I won $100. I was like "yeah right" and totally forgot about it. GUESS WHAT CAME IN THE MAIL TODAY? A check for $100!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited! I placed an order with Kelly's Closet and will let you know what I think about Bum Genius diapers in 3-6 days. On top of that, on Friday, I ordered snappis from Amazon because I had a $5 gift card. I received an e-mail saying I'd receive my order on May 25. Guess what else came in the mail today? The snappis! Tonight is the first night I will cloth diaper throughout the night. I'll update you on Tuesday.
Jesus loves to hear the sound of praise. :-)
T u e s d a y
Cloth diapering through the night was not so easy! V is used to halfway waking up, nursing and falling right back asleep. I used prefolds with rubber pants and the new snappis I got and it took forEVER. I guess I did not stretch the snappis enough because it seemed impossible to fit all the way across his body. Today I made sure I stretched them and they worked soooo much better and faster than pins. He actually slept for more than 2 hours at one point but his diaper leaked so his leg was wet around the outside. What diapers do you use throughout the night?

I bought 3 more fuzzi bunz today so my collection is growing. One of these days I will be able to sit down ad finish my reviews so I can post it!
The funniest thing happened this morning! V really has his schedule down (except the whole sleeping through the night thing) now. This morning I was exhausted because last night I was up late and unfortunately, V decided to sleep for a long period of time BEFORE I went to sleep. I wanted a few extra minutes of rest before we did our routine (shower, breakfast, play, etc.), so I pretended to be asleep hoping he'd lay back down. He started taking off his clothes!!!! As soon as I put him on the floor he crawled to the bathroom, pulled up on the tub and started lifting his leg as if he could get himself in. I probably think it's funnier than it actually is but it was just hilarious to me that he thought he could continue the schedule with or without me. It aso makes me excited that we have a schedule. With #2 I am going to be a little faster with the sleep schedule and day schedule so hopefully they will be on the same page really soon. That would make life easier and much more fun because we can plan events based on their awake times. I'm getting really excited for this baby. I can't wait until s/he and V can play together!!

Wednesday we are going to bounce n play with a ton of people from playgroup. I had planned on taking V on Mondays and Wednesdays if he likes it (we didn't go this Monday because I had a doctor's appointment) and then I got an e-mail saying playgroup would be there on Wednesday too. I hope he has fun. I'll let you know and hopefully get some pictures!
W e d n e s d a y
The bounce 'n' play place was excellent! V had a great time exploring. He did not like the actual bouncy equipment but loved the 3 and under play part. If you have something similar in your area, I suggest taking your little one!
T h u r s d a y
Not much to report, getting ready for my in-laws!
F r i d a y & S a t u r d a y
In-laws are here, will write next week!


  1. Hey Girl! Love the song!

    We use Huggies overnight...I wish I had the courage to cloth diaper! If I could convince my husband...

  2. I'm glad you like the song! I don't know why the owner of the youtube video decided to spell everything as awkwardly as possible, but I love the song!

    Haha! I love cloth diapering. There are parts of it that don't really appeal to people (like spending up to $20 on a diaper that can be used once before washing) but I really love it. My husband doesn't really do anything with the diapers, feeding, etc. so it was mainly my decision. Huggies are great though!!

    Thanks for the comment. :-)

  3. If you got the BumGenius one size pocket, try those for overnight! I posted on your latest post that they are what I use, and they work wonders for my heavy wetter! I have also tried Happy Heinys one size and Fuzzi Bunz Perfect Size for overnight, and BG puts them to shame.


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